Company Background

KatieCarts, LLC is a design and manufacturing company positioned to revolutionize the retail shopping experience with a patented, modern shopping cart. KatieCarts™ design delivers an ergonomically friendly, flexible and feature-rich cart for the rapidly aging baby boomer shopper as well as the modern shopper looking for an enhanced consumer experience. For retailers, KatieCarts delivers a competitive differentiator. Additionally, it supplies a new revenue stream by creating unique advertising opportunities. KatieCarts takes shopping carts from a line-item expense to a revenue-generating source.

KatieCarts tagline is You are what you drive.™ The concept aligns with the grocery industry's new trend toward Lifestyle store formats that focus on an enriched shopping environment. Grocery chains are investing heavily in lighting, granite, flooring and organic product and appeal – yet rickety wire carts still tool around their beautiful stores. KatieCarts supplies the opportunity for grocery chains, in a competitive market, to set themselves apart from the ordinary, utilitarian approach to carts.

Katie Hill, CEO

Katie Hill stands as the visionary behind KatieCarts. Katie has successfully developed, built and marketed the de facto standard lift management system for the mortuary industry. Her design acumen and manufacturing experience are strategically applied to her leadership role. Katie serves the function of CEO.

Colleen Scholer, COO

Colleen Scholer is the marketing expert working closely with Katie Hill to develop brand identity and new business development strategies. Colleen has over two decades of experience in marketing, public relations, media relations, research, and new business development. Colleen serves the function of COO.

Advertising Opportunities

On traditional wire carts, the display advertising opportunities have been limited to small, non-dynamic messaging and imagery via cardboard inserts. KatieCarts™ revolutionizes this traditional model by offering inlaid advertising opportunities for grocery stores to promote their store brand or iconic brands on a new platform. Within the plastic bed design, dynamic imagery is embedded to offer a sophisticated, yet creative, approach. The grocery cart becomes a walking billboard directly at point-of-purchase.

Advertising opportunities significantly enhance the pricing model:


Spec. Sheet (313KB .pdf)